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Native Ferns, Moss, and Grasses : From Emerald Carpet to Amber Wave, Serene and Sensuous Plants for the Garden by William Cullina read ebook FB2, MOBI, DJV


A series of beautiful, concise guides for growing and propagating native North American plants. William Cullina's fresh and informative take on identifying and caring for native plants comes full circle in Native Ferns, Moss, and Grass , the third book in a series (which also includes Wildflowers and Native Trees, Shrubs and Vines ) that combines encyclopedic information about North American species with practical instruction. Cullina notes that ferns, moss, and grasses are the green canvas for colorful blooms: they bring a level of refinement and sophistication that no flower can match, and no garden is complete without them. Native Ferns, Moss and Grasses offers a thorough discussion of plant hardiness, and for each species the natural range, type of soil, and habitat in which the plant thrives is indicated. The book concludes with complete information on where to buy featured plants and suggested species for various uses and spaces., Award-winning author William Cullina's beautifully illustrated book of "background" plants for North American gardens With this new volume, Cullina completes the set of stunning books on native plants for the garden that includes Wildflowers and Native Trees, Shrubs, and Vines. All three books combine Cullina's fresh and entertaining style with encyclopedic information about the plants and specific instructions on how to grow and propagate them. Cullina compares a garden made up of nothing but bright colors to the detergent shelves in a supermarket, where every package screams for attention. What makes a true garden out of a collection of flowering plants are the ferns, mosses, and grasses that are the verdant canvas on which nature paints its portraits. These are the plants, he says, that bring a level of refinement and sophistication to the garden unmatched by any flowers. Without these plants, nothing would hold the garden together. Cullina shares information that will make you see landscaping as never before.

Native Ferns, Moss, and Grasses : From Emerald Carpet to Amber Wave, Serene and Sensuous Plants for the Garden EPUB, DOC

Vogue" By linking these two lives, Ms.Her goal is to help you discover your own style by offering some guiding principles for your decisions.Figures, photographs, and tables with appropriate data supply visual and factual support for the points discussed in the text.These are the most important plants you might see if you live in or travel through central Queensland.In this book, celebrated garden designer George Carter shows you which to choose and how to display them to best effect.Penguin is publishing the entire series of Maigret novels in new translations.Taking readers on a vivid journey across revolutionary France and Victorian England, she seamlessly interweaves the lives of her two protagonists in alternating chapters, creating a book that reads like a richly textured historical novel.The Walking Man follows a modern day Japanese business man as he strolls at random through urban Japan - often silent, usually alone - with his vivid dreams that let time stand still.A prolific researcher and editor, Gairdner devoted his career to English history, and his study is both meticulous and factually sound.She guides the reader through techniques for creating and maintaining a cottage garden with humour and ease, perfect for both beginners and experienced gardeners.